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Why this section?

Towards the end of 2024, it became evident that not every document in the Rocky Linux documentation cache will be a how-to guide. We needed a spot for longer, more in-depth explanations. Enter this blog.

Who can write here?

Anyone who has GitHub credentials can submit a suggested article here. Review the documents in the Contribute section to get started.


If you do not have GitHub credentials and still want to write something for this section, contact us in the Mattermost channel link at the bottom of this page.

You should ensure your document fits the requirements for this section. For instance:

  • Does it fit here? Is it information worth sharing? Is it a blog-style document?
  • Does it expand on a subject important to documentarians?
  • Will the submission enhance the overall quality of all of the Rocky Linux documentation?

What kind of information?

The first two documents here should give you an idea of what fits. Throughout 2024, we made a concerted effort to eliminate or drastically reduce passive voice in the how-to documents. The document Active voice: The way to simple, clear, communication describes the importance of active voice in the tone of the documentation, the ease of reading and understanding, and the simplification in translating to other languages. The document Open source: Why it is never hyphenated discusses the big debate over this subject and the reasoning behind our decision not to hyphenate. Get the idea? These are informative documents that do not include how-to information, except perhaps as examples.

Growth of this blog?

This set of documents will likely grow more slowly than the how-to documents. That is as expected. It is the quality and fit of the documents here that is most important.


As with the documentation project as a whole, you can give feedback in our Documentation Mattermost channel.

Author: Steven Spencer