Provisioning a CA and Generating TLS Certificates¶
In this lab you will provision a PKI Infrastructure using openssl to bootstrap a Certificate Authority, and generate TLS certificates for the following components: kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, kubelet, and kube-proxy. The commands in this section should be run from the jumpbox
Certificate Authority¶
In this section you will provision a Certificate Authority that can be used to generate additional TLS certificates for the other Kubernetes components. Setting up CA and generating certificates using openssl
can be time-consuming, especially when doing it for the first time. To streamline this lab, I've included an openssl configuration file ca.conf
, which defines all the details needed to generate certificates for each Kubernetes component.
Take a moment to review the ca.conf
configuration file:
cat ca.conf
You don't need to understand everything in the ca.conf
file to complete this tutorial, but you should consider it a starting point for learning openssl
and the configuration that goes into managing certificates at a high level.
Every certificate authority starts with a private key and root certificate. In this section we are going to create a self-signed certificate authority, and while that's all we need for this tutorial, this shouldn't be considered something you would do in a real-world production environment.
Generate the CA configuration file, certificate, and private key:
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -sha512 -noenc \
-key ca.key -days 3653 \
-config ca.conf \
-out ca.crt
ca.crt ca.key
!!! Tip:
To view the details encoded in the generated certificate file (ca.crt), you can use this openssl command openssl x509 -in ca.crt -text -noout | less
Create Client and Server Certificates¶
In this section you will generate client and server certificates for each Kubernetes component and a client certificate for the Kubernetes admin
Generate the certificates and private keys:
"admin" "node-0" "node-1"
"kube-proxy" "kube-scheduler"
for i in ${certs[*]}; do
openssl genrsa -out "${i}.key" 4096
openssl req -new -key "${i}.key" -sha256 \
-config "ca.conf" -section ${i} \
-out "${i}.csr"
openssl x509 -req -days 3653 -in "${i}.csr" \
-copy_extensions copyall \
-sha256 -CA "ca.crt" \
-CAkey "ca.key" \
-CAcreateserial \
-out "${i}.crt"
The results of running the above command will generate a private key, certificate request, and signed SSL certificate for each of the Kubernetes components. You can list the generated files with the following command:
ls -1 *.crt *.key *.csr
Distribute the Client and Server Certificates¶
In this section you will copy the various certificates to every machine at a path where each Kubernetes component will search for its certificate pair. In a real-world environment these certificates should be treated like a set of sensitive secrets as they are used as credentials by the Kubernetes components to authenticate to each other.
Copy the appropriate certificates and private keys to the node-0
and node-1
for host in node-0 node-1; do
ssh root@$host mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/
scp ca.crt root@$host:/var/lib/kubelet/
scp $host.crt \
scp $host.key \
Copy the appropriate certificates and private keys to the server
scp \
ca.key ca.crt \
kube-api-server.key kube-api-server.crt \
service-accounts.key service-accounts.crt \
, andkubelet
client certificates will be used to generate client authentication configuration files in the next lab.
Next: Generating Kubernetes Configuration Files for Authentication