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SSH Certificate Authorities and Key Signing


  • Ability to use command line tools
  • Managing content from the command line
  • Previous experience with SSH key generation helpful but not required
  • A basic understanding of SSH and public key infrastructure is helpful but not required
  • A server running the sshd daemon.


The initial SSH connection with a remote host is insecure if you cannot verify the fingerprint of the remote host's key. Using a certificate authority to sign public keys of remote hosts makes the initial connection secure for every user who trusts the CA.

CAs can also be used to sign user SSH keys. Instead of distributing the key to every remote host, one signature is sufficient to authorize the user to log in to multiple servers.


  • Improving the security of SSH connections.
  • Improving the on boarding process and key management.


  • Vim is the author's text editor of choice. Using other text editors, such as nano or others, is perfectly acceptable.
  • Usage of sudo or root implies elevated privileges.

Initial connection

To secure the initial connection, you need prior knowledge of the key fingerprint. You can optimize and integrate this deployment process for new hosts.

Displaying the key fingerprint on the remote host:

user@rocky-vm ~]$ ssh-keygen -E sha256 -l -f /etc/ssh/ 
256 SHA256:bXWRZCpppNWxXs8o1MyqFlmfO8aSG+nlgJrBM4j4+gE no comment (ED25519)

Making the initial SSH connection from the client. The key fingerprint is being displayed and can be compared to the previously acquired one:

[user@rocky ~]$ ssh
The authenticity of host 'rocky-vm.example (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:bXWRZCpppNWxXs8o1MyqFlmfO8aSG+nlgJrBM4j4+gE.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

Creating a Certificate Authority

Creating a CA (private and public keys) and placing the public key in the known_hosts file of the client to identify all hosts belonging to the domain:

[user@rocky ~]$ ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t ed25519 -f CA
[user@rocky ~]$ echo '@cert-authority *' $(cat >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts


  • -b: key length in bytes
  • -t: key type: rsa, ed25519, ecdsa...
  • -f: output key file

Alternatively, you can specify the known_hosts file system-wide by editing the SSH config file /etc/ssh/ssh_config:

Host *
    GlobalKnownHostsFile /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts

Signing the public keys

Creating a user SSH key and signing it:

[user@rocky ~]$ ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t ed2119
[user@rocky ~]$ ssh-keygen -s CA -I user -n user -V +55w

Acquiring the server's public key over scp and signing it:

[user@rocky ~]$ scp .
[user@rocky ~]$ ssh-keygen -s CA -I rocky-vm -n -h -V +55w


  • -s: signing key
  • -I: name that identifies the certificate for logging purposes
  • -n: identifies the name (host or user, one or multiple) associated with the certificate (if not specified, certificates are valid for all users or hosts)
  • -h: defines the certificate as a host key, as opposed to a client key
  • -V: validity period of the certificate

Establishing trust

Copying the remote host's certificate for the remote host to present it along with its public key while being connected to:

[user@rocky ~]$ scp

Copying the CA's public key to the remote host for it to trust certificates signed by the CA:

[user@rocky ~]$ scp

Adding the following lines to /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to specify the previously copied key and certificate to use by the server and trust the CA to identify users:

[user@rocky ~]$ ssh
[user@rocky-vm ~]$ sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
HostCertificate /etc/ssh/
TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/

Restarting the sshd service on the server:

[user@rocky-vm ~]$ systemctl restart sshd

Testing the connection

Removing the remote server's fingerprint from your known_hosts file and verifying the settings by establishing an SSH connection:

[user@rocky ~]$ ssh-keygen -R
[user@rocky ~]$ ssh

Key revocation

Revoking host or user keys may be crucial to the security of the whole environment. Therefore, it is important to store the previously signed public keys so that you can revoke them at a later date.

Creating an empty revocation list and revoking the public key of user2:

[user@rocky ~]$ sudo ssh-keygen -k -f /etc/ssh/revokation_list.krl
[user@rocky ~]$ sudo ssh-keygen -k -f /etc/ssh/revokation_list.krl -u /path/to/

Copying the revocation list to the remote host and specifying it in the sshd_config file:

[user@rocky ~]$ scp /etc/ssh/revokation_list.krl
[user@rocky ~]$ ssh
[user@rocky ~]$ sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

The following line specifies the revocation list:

RevokedKeys /etc/ssh/revokation_list.krl

It is a requirement to restart the SSHD daemon for the configuration to reload:

[user@rocky-vm ~]$ sudo systemctl restart sshd

User2 gets rejected by the server:

[user2@rocky ~]$ ssh Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).

Revoking server keys is also possible:

[user@rocky ~]$ sudo ssh-keygen -k -f /etc/ssh/revokation_list.krl -u /path/to/

The following lines in /etc/ssh/ssh_config apply the host revocation list system-wide:

Host *
        RevokedHostKeys /etc/ssh/revokation_list.krl

Trying to connect to the host results in the following:

[user@rocky ~]$ ssh
Host key ED25519-CERT SHA256:bXWRZCpppNWxXs8o1MyqFlmfO8aSG+nlgJrBM4j4+gE revoked by file /etc/ssh/revokation_list.krl

Maintaining and updating the revocation lists is important. You can automate the process to ensure all hosts and users can access the most recent revocation lists.


SSH is one of the most valuable protocols to manage remote servers. Implementing certificate authorities can be helpful, especially in larger environments with many servers and users. It is important to maintain revocation lists. It easily revokes compromised keys without replacing the whole critical infrastructure.

Author: Julian Patocki

Contributors: Steven Spencer, Ganna Zhyrnova