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File Shredder


Do you need to remove a postcard or a PDF file containing information like your birthday? Check out File Shredder, an application that permanently removes sensitive information online.


This guide assumes you have the following:

  • Rocky Linux
  • Flatpak
  • FlatHub

Installation Process

Screenshot of the File Shredder app page on FlatHub, showing the blue install button being highlighted by a red rectangle

  1. Go to Flathub's website, type "File Shredder" in the search bar, and click on Install

    manual install script and run script

  2. Copy the manual script in your terminal:

    flatpak install flathub io.github.ADBeveridge.Raider
  3. Finally, run the manual script in your terminal:

    flatpak run flathub io.github.ADBeveridge.Raider

How to Use

To use File Shredder, do the following:

  1. Drag or click on Add file to pick the file(s) you want to remove

Screenshot of the File Shredder homepage, showing the add drop-down menu and drop here button being highlighted by red rectangles

  1. Click on Shred All

Screenshot of a file named Social Security appearing on top. At the bottom, there is a red button with the phrase Shred All written in white font and surrounded by a red rectangle


Whether it’s a Social Security file or a banking statement, File Shredder is the tool that makes it easy to shred files without needing to buy a shredder. Are you eager to learn more about this application or have more ideas for it? Submit an issue in File Shredder's repository at GitHub.

Author: Christine Belzie

Contributors: Steven Spencer, Ganna Zhyrnova